#1 Open-Source Time-Tracking

Time-tracking for Non-Profit Organizations ✨

Today I want to say thank you to the many NGOs and NPOs:

  • Non-profit and charitable organisations
  • Public and independent schools, universities, adult education centres
  • Authorities and organisations with security tasks, rescue services, civil protection, fire brigade
  • Nature conservation, sports and all other community-building and skills-development organisations
  • Social services and church organisations, elderly care and youth facilities
  • … and so many others that I have forgotten to mention here

You give your time, work small and big miracles and enrich the lives of so many: Thank you for being there!

As an organisation grows, receives more donations or employs more staff, it becomes important to record and analyse the working hours of employees. Workflows should be analysed and potential efficiency improvements should be identified at an early stage. This is not only to free up time and money for the real work, but also to be able to submit transparent accountability reports.

I want to support you and therefore offer an unbeatable and annually billed non-profit rate:


0.99/ Per user & month

  • Working hour account
  • Public Holidays, vacation, sick leave
  • Expense tracking
  • Custom fields
  • Task management
  • Daily backups for download
  • Single Sign-On with SAML
  • Custom Domain with SSL

Non-profits trust on Kimai

And I look forward to be able to support your organisation too.

We use Kimai as a self-hosted instance to manage working times, vacation and illness-days for ~40 employees. We love open source software and the passion Kevin Papst puts into that tool is a real gamechanger for us. There are a lot of features and settings to adjust, but it’s not too complicated to maintain the whole system. Hopefully Kimai will be our mate for the next years to support our own story as a company, that is developing impactful and open source software!

Daniel Kehne
Daniel Kehne
Founder & CEO – Tür an Tür - Digitalfabrik gGmbH

Kimai combines usability and high data protection standards - a rare find in project management tools. Easy to setup and use right away, with many options for adapting it to specific needs and processes. One tip for first-users: Projects have to be set up in Administration in order to be able to start time tracking - so far that’s the only thing that got me searching.

Great work!

Project Manager

I needed to find a good time tracker on short notice, and wanted it to be EU hosted and open source. Luckily, I found Kimai and have been very happy with it ever since, especially because it is very straightforward and intuitive to use. After using it for my initial project, the Kimai team helped me migrate my data for company use, now allowing us to roll it out for the entire team without losing the original data. Keep up the good work!

Brian Osborn
Brian Osborn
Executive Director – Linux New Media

Wir nutzen Kimai für die Projekt-Zeiterfassung mit unseren Partner-Organisationen. Dabei haben wir besonders die gute Übersichtlichkeit, Auswertbarkeit und die einfache Bedienung im Fokus. Als NGO wissen wir auch die starke Fokussierung von Kimai auf diesen Sektor zu schätzen. Der Support ist hervorragend. Wir sind sehr zufrieden.

Johannes Mertens
Johannes Mertens
Entwickler – Fairtrade Deutschland e.V.

Ich kenne Kimai schon sehr lange. Vor über 10 Jahren haben wir Kimai in einer großen Firma für die Zeitenbuchungen in einem Softwareprojekt benutzt. Es ist einfach zu bedienen und somit für jeden User benutzbar. Heute verwende ich Kimai in unserer Kirchengemeinde, Es ist eine Unterstützung um die angefallen Zeiten nach Kategorien zu buchen. Einfach super und abgerundet wird es durch einen schnellen und zuverlässigen Support. Macht so weiter…. Danke! Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, es auszutesten. Ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht sein.

Usiamo Kimai da ormai due anni per tener traccia del tempo dedicato ad ogni fase dei nostri progetti e per la fatturazione delle ore verso le nostre realtà. Il software è completo, intuitivo e risponde appieno alle nostre necessità. Oltre a questo Kevin si è sempre dimostrato disponibile ad attento alle nostre necessità!

Alessandro Pollastri
Alessandro Pollastri
Developer – Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII

If you represent a non-profit association or organisation, please register with an official e-mail address of the organisation and write a support message. The plan will be activated after a manual approval.

It would be great if I could use your logo and name as a reference on www.kimai.cloud and www.kimai.org.

Ready to get started?

Start your time-tracking now

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