Test Kimai in one of the demos

Try out the Kimai time-tracking demo, and we promise: you'll keep on using it!

Please choose one of our demo installations, to get a first impression on how Kimai feels and which functionality it provides. Be aware that the demos will be reinstalled on a regular schedule and all entered data will be removed.


The current version with featured plugins and demo data.

Access demo Demo will be reinstalled in ? minutes.


The current version with featured plugins, without data.

Access demo Demo will be reinstalled in ? minutes.


The latest release, without plugins, without demo data.

Access demo Demo will be reinstalled in ? minutes.

Demo user

These accounts are available for your tests. Or you create your own test user in the login form of each demo.

Username Password API Token
john_user (User) password token_user
tony_teamlead (Teamlead) password token_teamlead
anna_admin (Administrator) password token_admin
susan_super (Super-Admin) password token_super
admin (Super-Admin) password -

Ready to get started?

Start your time-tracking now

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