Release 1.18 - Export report data
12 Mar 2022

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstThe releases 1.18.x were published between February and March 2022.
You are lucky, despite announcing otherwise is release still supports PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4. But be warned: it’s only tested with 7.4 and developed with 8.1.
New feature highlights from the releases 1.18, 1.18.1 and 1.18.2 are:
- Reporting: choose data-types (duration, rate, internal rate)
- Reporting: new report “user per year”
- Reporting: export user-list reports in excel
- Configure display of customer, project and activity in dropdown lists
- Added and activated language
Norwegian Bokmål
- thanks @comradekingu
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you for using and supporting Kimai, especially:
- everyone who contributes financially, allowing me to spend so much time with Kimai
- the community for all their input, discussions, feature requests and bug notices
- the developers contributing their knowledge and time
- the translators at Weblate
Thanks for being part of the Kimai community ❤️
Want to upgrade? Click here to find out how.
Full changelog
This changelist contains all changes between 1.17 and 1.18.2.
You can find all commits here.
Implemented enhancements
- Reporting: choose data-types (duration, rate, internal rate)
- Reporting: new report “user per year”
- Reporting: export user-list reports in excel
- Configure display of customer, project and activity in dropdown lists
- Added and activated language
Norwegian Bokmål
- thanks @comradekingu - Activated language
- Updated translations
- PDF invoice templates
- Moved customer number and order number in default template to different location
- Improved freelancer pdf invoice template: added customer number, moved some fields around
- Improved font family (remove unused font)
- Sort users by display-name in users reports
- Added comment to customer/project/activity entity and collections API
- Improve console version output
- Allow changing password interactively on the console (prevents bash history leaks)
- Unify access to custom fields
- Added explicit classes for widgets
- Bump PHPUnit to version 9, removed PHP 7.3 from Github actions and activate PHP 8.1
- Added twig helper for markdown renderer with header support
Fixed bugs
- Decimal format in print export doesn’t work when language is set to German (Austria)
- xlsx export: change SUM function to SUBTOTAL function
- fix negative sum display in excel export
- use proper cell format for report exports
- Missing translation files
- Fix: translation file extensions / activate missing translations in
- Fix: title pattern when description is included in customer/project/activity dropdown
- Fix: fix select2 and dropdown width for quick-entry form
- Fix: fix empty string issue in csv export- fixes
- Fix: deprecations with php 8 (twig with sort filter)
- Fix: missing custom translations in modal dialogs