Release 1.12 - Bugs, bugs, bugs

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstThe release 1.12 was published quite a while ago - sorry for the late release post!
This release was mainly a bugfix version, which improves internals for plugin developer.
Export repositories
Allow custom export repositories: eg. Expenses will be included in the global Export.
Reassign timesheets
Allows reassigning of timesheet records from “delete user” dialog, so historical data can be moved to a backup account upon user deletion:
Updated translations for Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese Brazil, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, Slovak, Russian, Esperanto, Hungarian, Arabic, French, Polish and Korean.
Security issues
This version includes a bugfix for XSS vulnerabilities in some admin pages, which was found and reported by David Woodhouse from Aegis9. Thank you!
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you for using and supporting Kimai, especially:
- all clients and donors who help me to keep up the work for Kimai
- the developers who contributed their time
- the translators in our Weblate community
- everyone else contributing at GitHub, too many to name you all
All of you guys rock ❤️ thanks for being part of the Kimai community!
Want to upgrade? Click here to find out how.
Implemented enhancements:
- Consolidation of items in the search function between time recording and expenses #2118
- Dashboard > My Teams > displayed without order #1773
- allow custom export repositories #2182 (kevinpapst)
- helper function for invoice templates #2168 (kevinpapst)
- allow to reassign timesheet from delete user dialog #2159 (kevinpapst)
- sort teams alphabetically in team_list #2119 (kevinpapst)
- added event to manage javascript translations #2104 (kevinpapst)
- sort composer packages #2089 (kevinpapst)
- Api doc #2085 (kevinpapst)
- updated dependencies #2125 (kevinpapst)
- display application name and version in console #2150 (kevinpapst)
- escape configurable fields #2191, #2192 (kevinpapst)
- Translations update from Weblate #2081, #2071, #2106, #2136, #2135, #2102, #2093 (weblate)
Fixed bugs:
- support mysqli in connection string #2190
- API Auth fail with GET activities/:id/rates #2160
- reporting translation issue #2154
- Project directory detected wrong. Symlinks #2145
- 500 server error while exporting timesheets - Kimai v2 #2144
- Error 500 for AJAX GET when selecting clients/projects after update to 1.11.1 #2142
- Calendar view after logging time shows resume activity #2105
- Ex- and import with timelogs crossing day-edges results in inconsistent state #2086
- Daterange picker does not work correctly with Sunday being first day of week #2078
- Restart last activity fails if last entry was deleted #2036
- Invoice creation from command line: All but the first invoice have wrong styling #1973
- Failed to assign teams in future projects #1653
- suppress notice for tempnam #2166 (kevinpapst)
- fixed broken test #2151 (kevinpapst)
- Re-order search form #2120 (kevinpapst)
- fix timesheet importer for entries passing midnight #2098 (kevinpapst)
- fix styling issues in PDF invoice #2097 (kevinpapst)
- fix Sunday being first day of week #2084 (kevinpapst)
- improve customer validation #2083 (kevinpapst)