A new website for Kimai

10 Feb 2018
Kevin Papst

When I started to work on the next major release Kimai v2 a couple of weeks ago, I had the urge to start that new era with a fresh website for Kimai. And one major point was the presentation of Kimai on its public page - I also want to show everyone, that the project is still alive and actively developed. As a first starter I wanted to re-write the website and add a responsive structure.

In the past I blogged about the move of our website to GitHub, today I announce that the website is back on my own server. We wanted to serve the website with https, which is not supported for GitHub pages that use their own CNAME. And as Google announced that they will give pages running on http less SEO love (in other words: lower their rankings), it was time to do something about it.

As none of us is a frontend developer I had to use a pre-made design, which I found with https://html5up.net/massively. Not everyone will like it (as it is always with relaunches) and the new website is less Kimai branded, but to make it up to you: I worked on the pages content!

So say goodbye to:

Old website design

And the next posts will be more about Kimai v2 and less about us ;-)

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