Happy Birthday Kimai

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstOh what a shame, we all forgot our own birthday… Okay, I have to admit I didn’t knew the date - but Torsten told me that Kimai is now 4 years old ;) and if anyone wants to save the date for next time - its the 15th of December.
I would like to use that date to thank the Kimai community: you are great! Thanks for all the support, whether its questions, feature requests, bug reports - if you are using by yourself or within your company, contributing with patches, graphics - now or in the past …
Thank you for using and improving Kimai together with us!
Please let us know how you are using Kimai, how it improves your workflow. We would like to put up a Testimonial page and you could be part of it. Contact us in our forum.
That would be a great birthday present ;)
And yes, we have a birthday present as well - it’ll be uploaded later today and I will let you know in another posting. Stay tuned.