Task management

Manage your tasks / todo lists, use user and team assignments and track times for them

Add “tasks” which are used to start and group timesheet records.

Each task has the following fields:

  • Title
  • Work description
  • End date (optional)
  • Time estimation (optional: if given, a progressbar for duration vs estimation will be shown in the listing page)
  • User (optional: if left empty, the task can be self-assigned from the “pending tasks” widget)
  • Team (optional: if given, only users from this team see this task and can assign it)
  • Customer (will be copied to the started timesheet)
  • Project (will be copied to the started timesheet)
  • Activity (will be copied to the started timesheet)
  • Description (will be copied to the started timesheet)
  • Tags (will be copied to the started timesheet)
  • List of comments (to share updates with others)

Ships new reports:

  • List all users with the number of assigned tasks and progress (via estimation / logged duration)
  • List all teams with the number of assigned tasks and progress (via estimation / logged duration)

Users can log work time for tasks with drag & drop support in the calendar view.

Ships two new dashboard widgets (see screenshots):

  • The amount of rows in the dashboard widgets can be configured in the user-preferences
  • With the help of the dashboard widgets every user can manage their work

You can configure the permissions in multiple ways:

  • First version: allows self-management by the user via the dashboard widgets, by assigning to pending tasks
  • Second version: only the “My tasks” widget will be shown, listing page is hidden from “normal users” and teamleads will plan the work schedule (a list of tasks) for the users, who then use the widget to start/pause/stop their assigned tasks
  • Third version: Tasks are shared, pending tasks can be started and stopped by everyone/team members

A task can reach the overdue status, which means:

  • the task reached its end date without being finished
  • or the duration of all logged entries is higher than the estimation of the task

Tasks which are overdue will be highlighted by a warning color.

A task can be created from an Activity, pre-setting all possible values from the project and activity.

Task can also be managed via the API.

Detail pages

Open tasks will also be shown on Customer/Project/Activity detail pages.

Dashboard widgets

Two new dashboard widgets belong to the Task management.

The amount of rows in the dashboard widgets can be configured in the user-preferences.

My tasks widget

Displays all tasks which:

  • are not “closed”
  • are assigned to you

This widget has the following UI elements (if permissions are set for the user):

  • a checkbox to close the task (moving to status done will stop all related timesheet entries)
  • a title
  • a status indicator (colored “red” if the task is overdue, otherwise green)
  • a “Play” or “Pause” button (pause means that you already recorded times for the task)
  • an “Edit” button to change the task fields
  • an “Unassign” button (will stop all related timesheet entries and move the task to the “Pending tasks widget”)
  • a “Delete” button (will remove the task entirely, but keep the related timesheet entries)
  • a “Create” button (create a new task for the currently logged-in user)

Visible for all user with task_start permission.

Pending tasks widget

Displays all tasks which:

  • have the “pending” status
  • are not assigned to a user
  • and are either
    • not assigned to a team
    • or are assigned to the users team
    • or the current user owns the view_all_data permission (like admins)

This widget has the following UI elements (if permissions are set for the user):

  • a title
  • a status indicator (colored “red” if the task is overdue, otherwise green)
  • an “Edit” button
  • an “Assign” button (move the task back to the “My tasks widget”)
  • a “Delete” button (will remove the task entirely, but keep the related timesheet entries)
  • a “Create” button (create a new pending task)

Visible for all user with task_start and either one of task_assign or task_team_view permission.


This bundle introduces new permissions, which limit access to certain functions:

Permission Description
task_edit_own Create and edit tasks that are assigned to the currently logged-in user.
task_edit_other Allows to edit all tasks that are visible to the user. Create new unassigned tasks, assign team and user. Remove assignment and close tasks which are assigned to another user (stops running records).
task_assign Self-assign a pending task by the currently logged-in user. Required to see the “Pending tasks” widget on the dashboard.
task_start Start a task. Only possible if task is assigned to the current user.
task_start_all Start any task.
task_close Close a task. Possible if task is assigned to the current user or the user owns the task_edit_other permission. The task will be removed from the “My tasks” widget after it is reloaded (until then it can be reopened).
task_delete Delete any existing task.
task_view Gives access to the task administration and task reports
task_details See Task details
task_team_view See the tasks of all team members

A pre-configured permission set for all default user roles is applied by the plugin, please adjust them to your needs.

The following restrictions are in place for accessing other user’s data:

  • can only be seen by users who own the view_other_timesheet
  • users that own the task_view permission but NOT view_other_timesheet will only see own/assigned tasks
  • the visible data for non-admin users (permission view_all_data) is limited by team assignments

A pre-configured permission set for all default user roles is applied by the plugin. Please adjust them to your needs in “User > Role & permissions” administration.
