Roles & Permissions

Configure the permission system which is based on user roles

Kimai provides a flexible permission system, which is based on user roles and permissions, which can be turned on and off for these roles. You need the role_permissions permission to access the Roles screen.

This permission system limits access to the functionality of Kimai.


Access to functions is handled by the permission system, which is configurable through user roles. There are four pre-defined roles in Kimai, which have a customizable set of ACLs/permissions.

Role name Description
User Normal user can track their working times, see basic reports and change their own preferences. Technical name: ROLE_USER
Teamlead Manages teams with permissions for invoices and access to all team timesheets. Technical name: ROLE_TEAMLEAD
Administrator Can manage all content and timesheet related data, but lack user administration and system privileges. Technical name: ROLE_ADMIN
System-Admin Has permissions to manage everything in Kimai, from content to timesheets to users, plugins and system configurations. Technical name: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN

Creating roles

If the pre-defined roles are not sufficient for your use-case and you need more roles, you can create new ones.

Every user with the permission role_permissions can create new user roles. There is a button that will open a new modal, to enter a role name. This new role will show up in the table after saving.

Custom role names must start with ROLE_ and need to be written in uppercase letters, so instead of using Manager you have to create ROLE_MANAGER. This is required if you want to test for role permissions programmatically.


By turning permissions on and off for specific roles, you widen or limit the access to certain features. Clicking the Yes and No labels in the table toggles the selected permission (row title) for the respective role (column title).

If a user has multiple roles, then access is granted as soon as one of these roles own the permission.

Be aware There are other business rules which might limit access to certain functions, so permissions are not the only checks in place. For example: exported timesheet records cannot be edited, even if a user has the edit_own_timesheet or edit_other_timesheet permission.


Permission Name Description
budget_activity Allows to see the budget (monetary) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
time_activity Allows to see the budget (time) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
create_activity Create a new activity
delete_activity Delete activities
edit_activity Edit existing activities
permissions_activity Allows to edit the teams for assigned activities
view_activity Allows access to the activity administration
budget_teamlead_activity Allow team leaders to see the budget (money) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
time_teamlead_activity Allow team leaders to see the budget (time) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
edit_teamlead_activity Allow team leaders to edit activities for assigned projects/customers
permissions_teamlead_activity Allow team leaders to edit the teams for assigned activities
view_teamlead_activity Allow team leaders to access activity administration
Team member  
budget_team_activity Allows team-members to see the budget (money) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
time_team_activity Allows team-members to see the budget (time) reports for activities of assigned projects/customers
edit_team_activity Allows team-members to edit activities of assigned projects/customers
view_team_activity Allows team-members to access activity administration


Permission Name Description
budget_customer Allows to see the budget (money) reports for the customer
time_customer Allows to see the budget (time) reports for the customer
comments_customer Allows to see the comment section for customers
create_customer Create new customers
delete_customer Delete existing customers
details_customer View customer details (account number, vat, rates, meta-fields, assigned teams & users)
edit_customer Edit existing customers
permissions_customer Allows to edit the teams for assigned customers
view_customer Allows access to the customer administration
budget_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to see the budget (money) reports for assigned customers
time_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to see the budget (time) reports for assigned customers
comments_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to see the comment section for customers
details_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to see customer detail
edit_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to edit assigned customers
permissions_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to edit the teams for assigned customers
view_teamlead_customer Allow team leaders to access project administration
Team member  
budget_team_customer Allows team-members to see the budget (money) reports for assigned customers
time_team_customer Allows team-members to see the budget (time) reports for assigned customers
comments_team_customer Allows team-members to see the comment section for customers
details_team_customer Allows team-members to see customer details
edit_team_customer Allows team-members to edit assigned customers
view_team_customer Allows team-members to access project administration


Permission Name Description
budget_project Allows to see the budget (money) reports for projects
time_project Allows to see the budget (time) reports for projects
comments_project Allows to see the comment section for projects
create_project Create a new project
delete_project Delete existing projects
details_project View project details (Order number & date, start and end date, rates, assigned teams & users)
edit_project Edit existing projects
permissions_project Allows to edit the teams for assigned projects
view_project Allows access to the project administration
budget_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to see the budget (money) reports for assigned projects or projects of assigned customers
time_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to see the budget (time) reports for assigned projects or projects of assigned customers
comments_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to see the comment section for project
details_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to see project details
edit_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to edit assigned projects or projects for assigned customers
permissions_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to edit the teams for assigned projects or projects of assigned customers
view_teamlead_project Allow team leaders to access projects administration
Team member  
budget_team_project Allows team-members to see the budget (money) reports for assigned projects or projects of assigned customers
time_team_project Allows team-members to see the budget (time) reports for assigned projects or projects of assigned customers
comments_team_project Allows team-members to see the comment section for project
details_team_project Allows team-members to see project details
edit_team_project Allows team-members to edit assigned projects or projects for assigned customers
view_team_project Allows team-members to access projects administration


Permission Name Description
edit_exported_timesheet Edit and delete timesheet records which were exported
lockdown_grace_timesheet All records in the last lockdown period can be edited, even after the grace period ended
lockdown_override_timesheet None of the lockdown rules apply
Timesheet (other)  
create_other_timesheet Create a new timesheet record in the name of another user
delete_other_timesheet Delete timesheets of other users
edit_export_other_timesheet Set the export state for other users timesheet records
edit_billable_other_timesheet Set the billable state for other users timesheet record (since 1.18.3)
edit_other_timesheet Edit existing records of other users
edit_rate_other_timesheet Edit the rates for other users timesheet records (fixed, hourly and total)
export_other_timesheet Export timesheet in the timesheet admin panel
start_other_timesheet Start running timesheet records for other users
stop_other_timesheet Stop running timesheet records of other users
view_other_timesheet Allows access to the timesheet admin panel, listing records for all users
view_rate_other_timesheet View the rates for other users timesheet records (fixed, hourly and total)
Timesheet (own)  
create_own_timesheet Create a new timesheet record with the dialog
delete_own_timesheet Delete own timesheet records
edit_export_own_timesheet Set the export state for your own timesheet record
edit_billable_own_timesheet Set the billable state for your own timesheet record (since 1.18.3)
edit_own_timesheet Edit own timesheet records
edit_rate_own_timesheet Edit the rates for own timesheet records (fixed, hourly and total)
export_own_timesheet Export your own timesheet in the timesheet panel
start_own_timesheet Create a running timesheet record (restart and create)
stop_own_timesheet Stop the own running timesheets records
view_own_timesheet Allows access to the own timesheet views
view_rate_own_timesheet View the rates for own timesheet records (fixed, hourly and total)
weekly_own_timesheet Gives access to the weekly working hours screen


Permission Name Description
create_user Create new users
delete_user SECURITY ALERT: Delete existing users
view_user Access the User administration and see the list of all users - System-Admins will always own that permission
User profile (other)  
api-token_other_profile Change the API token for other users
edit_other_profile SECURITY ALERT: edit the profile for another user
hourly-rate_other_profile Edit other (users specific) hourly rate
password_other_profile Change the password for another user
preferences_other_profile Change the preferences for another user
roles_other_profile SECURITY ALERT: change roles for other users
supervisor_other_profile Change the supervisor for the selected profile
teams_other_profile Edit team assignments in other user profile
view_other_profile View other user profiles
User profile (own)  
api-token_own_profile Change the own API token
edit_own_profile Edit own user profile/account
hourly-rate_own_profile Edit the own (user specific) hourly rate
password_own_profile Change own password (should be deactivated when LDAP is used)
preferences_own_profile Allows a user to edit the own preferences
roles_own_profile SECURITY ALERT: change the own user roles
supervisor_own_profile Change the supervisor for the own profile
teams_own_profile Edit team assignments in own user profile
view_own_profile View own user profile and statistics


Permission Name Description
create_invoice Create a new invoice
delete_invoice Allows to delete invoices, please read docs why you shouldn’t
manage_invoice_template Administrate invoice templates
upload_invoice_template Allows to upload custom invoice templates
view_invoice Gives access to the list of all invoices and allows to download existing invoices


Permission Name Description
absence View and access the Absence screen.
edit_own_absence Edit the own absences.
edit_other_absence Edit other users absences.
delete_own_absence Delete the own absence entries.
delete_other_absence Delete other users absence entries.
view_other_absence Switch the user in theAbsence screen. Also influences the visibility of absence entries in the calendar.
approve_own_absence Approve own absence requests.
approve_other_absence Approve absence requests of team members (or whose supervisor is not set).
approval_other_absence Request an approval on behalf of another user.

Working times

Permission Name Description
contract_other_profile Allow to see and change the contract settings of other users.
hours_own_profile View the Employment contract menu and the own “Working times”.
hours_other_profile View the Employment contract menu. Switch the user in the Working Contract screen.
view_booking_contract View working-time details (PDF, Manual bookings)
approve_times_contract Approve monthly timesheets.
create_booking_contract Allows to create manual time bookings.
workdays_override_timesheet Allows to create timesheets on non-working days (this rule must be activated in System > Settings


Permission name Description
create_export See export screen and create export documents from the selected timesheet data
view_other_reporting Gives access to the reports of other users
view_reporting Gives access to the reporting screen
delete_tag Delete existing tags
manage_tag Edit existing and create new tags in the administration
view_tag Gives access to the tags administration
create_team Create new teams
delete_team Delete existing teams
edit_team Edit team assignments
view_team See teams administration
view_team_member View the teamleads and members for the teams of the current user
plugins Access the plugin administration
role_permissions SECURITY ALERT: view and change permissions for user roles, create and delete user roles - System-Admins will always own that permission
system_configuration Configure global Kimai settings
system_information Enter the system-information (about) screen
view_all_data SECURITY ALERT: Allows to see all data (disables team permissions) - System-Admins will always own that permission