Fluxo de aprovação para os quadros de horários
Este pacote está disponível para realizar uma aprovação semanal para os quadros de horários.
Katja Glass Consulting
A plugin for Kimai to approve timesheets of users on a weekly basis.
- Users can send a week for approval (in sequential order)
- User lockdown -> a submitted/approved week can no longer be edited (apart from admins) - there is one lockdown date per user (LockdownPerUserBundle)
- Teamlead/Admin can approve or deny the week
- Overview of approvals, missing approvals and the status
- Mailing options to recall approval tasks if outstanding
- Various options to track overtime
- Option to check for breaks according German Law
- Requires Kimai version: 1.16.10+ or 2.5.0+
- Lockdown per user settings (recommended)
- Custom-fields plugin (only required when using Kimai 1.x)
A tabela a seguir contém uma comparação entre o plug-in e a versão mínima exigida pelo Kimai.
Versão do pacote | Versão mínima do Kimai |
2.2.1 | 2.22.0 |
2.0.1 | 2.8.0 |
2.0.0 | 2.5.0 |
1.0.0 | 1.30.5 |
Copiar ficheiros
Extract the ZIP file and upload the included directory and all files to your Kimai installation to the new directory:
Or you can clone it directly to the var/plugins/
directory of your Kimai installation:
cd kimai/var/plugins/
git clone https://github.com/KatjaGlassConsulting/ApprovalBundle ApprovalBundle
The file structure needs to look like this afterwards:
├── ApprovalBundle
│ ├── ApprovalBundle.php
| └ ... more files and directories follow here ...
Limpar o cache
After uploading the files, Kimai needs to know about the new plugin. It will be found once the cache was re-built. Call these commands from the Kimai directory:
How to reload Kimai cache
bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod
It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:
rm -r var/cache/prod/*
You might have to set file permissions afterwards:
Adjust file permission
You have to allow PHP (your webserver process) to write to var/
and it subdirectories.
Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu, to be executed inside the Kimai directory:
chown -R :www-data .
chmod -R g+r .
chmod -R g+rw var/
You might not need these commands in a shared-hosting environment.
And you probably need to prefix them with sudo
and/or the group might be called different from www-data
Criar um novo banco de dados
Run the following command:
bin/console kimai:bundle:approval:install
This will create the required database tables and update them to the latest version.
If you see an error like There are no commands defined in the "kimai:bundle:XYZ" namespace.
then either the directory has a wrong name (must be var/plugins/ApprovalBundle/) or you forgot to clear the cache (look above).
Updating the plugin works exactly like the installation:
- Delete the directory
Execute all installation steps again:
- Copiar ficheiros
- Limpar o cache
- Update database with
bin/console kimai:bundle:approval:install