
How to backup and restore your Kimai installation

You need to back up the following files and directories:

  • .env
  • config/packages/local.yaml
  • var/
  • and possible customized files

Database backup

You should always create a full backup of the database.

The required database tables are:

  • All tables with prefix kimai2_
  • All tables with prefix bundle_migration_
  • The table migration_versions

There might be more depending on the used plugins.

Version information

Record your Kimai version:

bin/console kimai:version
git rev-parse HEAD

In most cases you don’t need these versions. But it’s good to have the information in the unlikely case of a problem while restoring the backup.

Create a database backup

The following command creates a database backup for MySQL/MariaDB:

mysqldump --single-transaction -u kimai2 -p -h kimai2 > ~/kimai2-`date +%F_%H-%M`.sql


  • Install Kimai as documented in the exact same version, which you used when you created the backup
  • Make sure it works
  • Restore the database backup in an empty database
  • Replace the file with the ones from your backup (e.g. var/, .env, local.yaml=
  • Point .env to your imported database

Now refresh your cache:

How to reload Kimai cache

bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod

It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:

rm -r var/cache/prod/*

Now run the upgrade commands and come back.

Run the plugin installation commands.

Pitfall version change

You restored Kimai (as documented above), but have problems when accessing it?

Maybe you have missed an upgrade steps, which you would have done when executing a normal upgrade.

Please check the UPGRADING guide and make sure you executed all version specific tasks.


If Kimai does not load (e.g. you only see a white screen, maybe some pages work) the database could be the reason. This problem can happen when you install a different (newer) version that has a different database structure then your backup.

Run the upgrade commands.


You see an error when executing the cache commands?

This problem can happen when a configuration change is necessary in your local.yaml. Please check the UPGRADING guide.

Backup script

The following solution is a very simple, but working way to back up your Kimai installation. It will store the database, your environment file, the installed plugins and generated data (e.g. invoice files).

I recommend to create a dedicated user on the server that will store the backups:

useradd -m -s /bin/bash backup

Create a MySQL configuration file to store the connection password for the Kimai database user at /home/backup/.kimai2.cnf:


Make sure it can only be read by that user:

chmod 600 /home/backup/.kimai2.cnf

Create the backup script at /home/backup/ and adapt to your needs:


export CONNECTION_CONFIG=/home/backup/.kimai2.cnf
export KIMAI_DIR=/var/www/kimai2
export BACKUP_DIR=/home/backup

export DATE=`date +%F_%H-%M`

mkdir -p $BACKUP_TMP_DIR
mkdir -p $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/data/
mkdir -p $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/plugins/

mysqldump --defaults-file=$CONNECTION_CONFIG --single-transaction --no-tablespaces -u kimai2 -h kimai2 > $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/kimai2-$DATE.sql

cp -R $KIMAI_DIR/var/data/* $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/data/
cp -R $KIMAI_DIR/var/plugins/* $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/plugins/

if [[ -d "$KIMAI_DIR/var/invoices/" ]];
  mkdir -p $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/invoices/
 cp -R $KIMAI_DIR/var/invoices/* $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/invoices/

if [[ -d "$KIMAI_DIR/var/export/" ]];
  mkdir -p $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/export/
 cp -R $KIMAI_DIR/var/export/* $BACKUP_TMP_DIR/var/export/

zip -r $BACKUP_STORAGE_DIR/$ * .env

Now edit the servers crontab with crontab -e and add the following lines:

10 1 * * * /home/backup/ >> /var/log/kimai-backup.log 2>&1
20 2 * * * find /home/backup/storage/* -atime +60 -type f -delete